Saturday, June 8, 2013

Being a Writer can be a lonely job

Every time I open the fridge, it stares back at me.

It's the label for the Gossett Champagne bottle; its golden foil, wrapped around the bottle that rises from the other beverage choices like a beacon. Like a beacon of hope.

That one day, soon, that foil will be removed from the bottle - and the cork will be popped. To celebrate a new novel, or a story, or even a good review. But those celebrations can be fleeting.

For being a writer can be a lonely job.

We writers sit by ourselves, all day long, day after day, basically living in our minds. We develop characters and dream of worlds that you will find interesting...just so you will turn the next page, or buy the next book or see the next film.

But the champagne bottle...that holds a special significance to a lonely writer. Because he or she knows, that when that cork does come off, friends will be there. They won't be alone. And it will be a celebration. It will be a celebration of a dream being realized.

So my bottle is still sitting there, standing command over an army of beverages on the top shelf of the fridge. But the bottle has told me that the time is coming's coming soon for the cork to be popped and the bubbly to be enjoyed.

So turn that next page. Buy that next book. See that next film. For if you do, more champagne will sit in fridges across the world, and more corks will pop, and more stories and characters will come to life from a lonely writer who had a moment to celebrate.

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